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  6. 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ EXF-2.5x8 Series Membrane Contactor for TransMembrane ChemiSorption G940, X50, NPT, FKM, Welded, 1/Case

3M™ Liqui-Cel™ EXF-2.5x8 Series Membrane Contactor for TransMembrane ChemiSorption G940, X50, NPT, FKM, Welded, 1/Case

  • 3M ID 7100270778

Can help reduce environmental impact of effluent or discharge water by reducing NH3/NH4-N concentration in wastewater and the release of nitrogen nutrients into the environment.

Operates in-line under pressure eliminating or reducing the need for transfer pumps or booster pumps after the membrane contactor

Operates at a lower temperature than steam or air stripping which helps reduce energy consumption

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  • Can help reduce environmental impact of effluent or discharge water by reducing NH3/NH4-N concentration in wastewater and the release of nitrogen nutrients into the environment
  • Operates in-line under pressure eliminating or reducing the need for transfer pumps or booster pumps after the membrane contactor
  • Operates at a lower temperature than steam or air stripping which helps reduce energy consumption
  • Compact, small footprint that uses less space enabling systems with Liqui-Cel technology to be containerized and mobile
  • Combines two process steps of stripping and scrubbing into a single step
  • Array of product options made with acid and caustic resistant materials of construction
  • Modular and scalable enabling customers to quickly adapt to capacity changes and scale-up from pilot programs
  • Proven, reliable technology that has been used commercially for many years in systems treating hundreds of m3/hr with high inlet ammonia concentrations (>1,000 ppm)
  • Enables circular economy by recycling sulfuric acid waste and ammonium nitrogen wastewater

Our 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors transfer gases to and from compatible liquid streams. In the Transmembrane Chemisorption (TMCS) process. Ammonia gas is stripped from wastewater streams with a high concentration of ammonia, diffuses across the wall of a hollow fiber membrane, and is directly absorbed into a reactive acid solution. This makes simultaneous removal and recovery of ammonia possible in a single device.
