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  6. 3MT ScotchshieldT Automotive Security Series - SAS 35, 1524 mm x 30,48 mm (60 in x 100 ft), 1 Roll/Case

3MT ScotchshieldT Automotive Security Series - SAS 35, 1524 mm x 30,48 mm (60 in x 100 ft), 1 Roll/Case

  • 3M ID 7100007702

Increasing the amount of time and effort it takes a thief to enter your vehicle, providing a powerful deterrent to smash and grab theft.

Our security film is available in tint levels that block up to 95% of visible light to provide increased privacy and to protect your valuables.

Film helps to hold glass fragments in place when glass is shattered, providing additional personal and property security for you.

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Diagrama que muestra diferentes niveles de visibilidad en el tinte de la ventana.
Elija entre las distintas tonalidades de Películas para Ventanas.

Las tonalidades de la fotografía son solo para fines de ilustración. Visite a un instalador 3M cerca de usted para verificar el tono final de la película seleccionada sobre el vidrio de su vehículo.

Luz Visible Transmitida Luz Visible Reflejada: Exterior Luz Visible Reflejada: Interior Rechazo de Radiación UV Energía Solar Total Rechazada (TSER) Reducción de Deslumbramientos
SAS 5 5% 4% 5% 99% 60% 94%
SAS 20 17% 5% 5% 99% 58% 78%
SAS 35 27% 4% 5% 98% 55% 65%
SAS 50 42% 5% 6% 99% 51% 44%
SAS Clear 73% 7% 7% 98% 42% 1%
SAS 5 SAS 20 SAS 35 SAS 50 SAS Clear
Luz Visible Transmitida 5% 17% 27% 42% 73%
Luz Visible Reflejada: Exterior 4% 5% 4% 5% 7%
Luz Visible Reflejada: Interior 5% 5% 5% 6% 7%
Rechazo de Radiación UV 99% 99% 99% 99% 98%
Energía Solar Total Rechazada (TSER) 60% 58% 55% 51% 42%
Reducción de Deslumbramientos 94% 78% 65% 44% 1%


  • Energía solar total rechazada (TSER)

    Es el porcentaje de energía solar total rechazada por el vidrio con la película 3M. Cuanto más alto sea este valor, menos calor solar se transmite al interior del habitáculo.

  • Luz visible transmitida (VLT)

    El porcentaje de luz visible que pasa directamente a través del vidrio con la película 3M. Cuanto más bajo sea este valor, más oscura y menos transparente será.

  • Rechazo de radiación UV

    Es el porcentaje de luz solar ultravioleta (UV) que es rechazada por el vidrio con la película 3M. La radiación UV es el principal factor de la decoloración, el deterioro de los materiales del interior del habitáculo y el daño en la piel.

  • Rechazo de infrarrojos (IRR)

    Es el porcentaje de rechazo de la energía infrarroja solar en el rango de longitudes de onda de 900-1.000 nm. Los rayos infrarrojos son los principales responsables del calor que se siente al conducir.

  • Rechazo de energía IR (IRER)

    El porcentaje de rechazo de la energía infrarroja solar en el rango de longitudes de onda de 780-2.500 nm. El rechazo de la energía IR toma en cuenta la energía infrarroja transmitida y absorbida que se irradiará al interior del vehículo.

  • Reducción de deslumbramientos

    Es el porcentaje en el que se reduce la luz visible gracias a la aplicación de una película. Los datos mostrados son el rendimiento estimado de la película aplicada a un vidrio típico para automóviles verde de 6 mm (¼") de espesor y 73% de VLT. Los datos son a modo de referencia.

NOTA: A legislação referente ao uso de películas para vidros automotivos varia de acordo com o estado ou o país. Por favor verifique as leis locais ou peça ao instalador do seu revendedor películas que atendam às leis de tonalidade locais.

Os dados devem ser usados como uma ferramenta de referência para a VLT líquida em vidro automotivo verde de 6 mm (¼ pol.) de espessura e com 73% de VLT. Os testes são realizados de acordo com a norma ANSI/NFRC 200.

**Películas totalmente metálicas podem interferir no sinal eletrônico ou de celular.

**IRR - Porcentagem de energia solar infravermelha na faixa de comprimento de onda de 900 – 1.000 nm que é rejeitada pela película. A medição é feita na película apenas com o liner (ou seja, sem vidro).

***IRER – Porcentagem de energia solar infravermelha que é rejeitada na faixa de comprimento de onda de 780 – 2.500 nm. A IRER leva em consideração a energia infravermelha transmitida e absorvida que será reirradiada para dentro de um carro. Os dados mostrados são para o desempenho da película aplicada ao vidro.


  • Increasing the amount of time and effort it takes a thief to enter your vehicle, providing a powerful deterrent to smash and grab theft
  • Our security film is available in tint levels that block up to 95% of visible light to provide increased privacy and to protect your valuables
  • Film helps to hold glass fragments in place when glass is shattered, providing additional personal and property security for you
  • Non-metallized window film lets you stay connected with mobile devices, GPS or satellite radio reception without interference
  • Blocks up to 99% of harmful ultraviolet (UV) light to provide a total Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of up to 1000 for you and your passengers
  • Offers reduced glare from blinding sunlight, allowing you to see better and concentrate more on driving
  • Sold and installed by 3M™ Authorized Dealer Installers, our films are durable, virtually maintenance-free and backed by a limited lifetime warranty

Our security film is available in tint levels that block up to 95% of visible light to provide increased privacy and to protect your valuables. Film helps to hold glass fragments in place when glass is shattered, providing additional personal and property security for you. Provides protection from the sun’s heat and ultraviolet rays to keep you cool year round. Non-metallized window film lets you stay connected with mobile devices, GPS or satellite radio reception without interference.

Diagram showing different levels of visibility in window tint.
Choose from five window film tints.

Tints shown are for illustration purposes only. Visit a dealer near you to see actual film tints.

A table depicting the differences in film tints.

Terms to know

  • TSER – Total Solar Energy Rejection

    The percentage of total solar energy rejected by filmed glass. The higher this value, the less solar heat is transmitted.

  • VLT – Visible Light Transmitted

    The percentage of visible light that passes directly through filmed glass: the higher the number, the lighter the film.

  • Ultraviolet Rejection

    The percentage of ultraviolet (UV) light that is rejected by the filmed glass. UV light contributes to the fading and deterioration of fabrics and leather.

  • IRR – Infrared Rejection*

    The percentage of solar infrared energy rejection over the wavelength range from 900-1,000 nm. Infrared rays are primarily responsible for the heat you feel when driving.

  • IRER – Infrared Energy Rejection**

    The percent of solar infrared energy rejection over the wavelength range from 780–2,500 nm. IRER takes into account the transmitted and absorbed IR energy that will be reradiated into a car.

  • Glare Reduction

    The percentage by which visible light is reduced by the addition of film. Data shown is the estimated performance of film applied to ¼” (6mm) thick, 73% VLT automotive green glass. Data is for reference only.

NOTE: Auto tint laws vary by state or province. Please check your local laws or ask your dealer installer for films that meet your local tint laws.

Limited Lifetime Warranty: Sold and installed by professional 3M Authorized Dealer Installers and backed by a limited lifetime warranty.

Data should be used as a reference tool for net VLT on ¼” (6mm) thick, automotive green glass of 73% VLT, and testing is in accordance to ANSI/NFRC 200 Procedure.

*IRR - Percent of solar infrared energy in the 900 – 1,000 nm wavelength range that is rejected by the film. Measurement is made of film with liner alone (i.e. no glass).

**IRER – Percent of solar infrared energy that is rejected over the wavelength range from 780 – 2,500 nm. IRER takes into account the transmitted and absorbed IR energy that will be reradiated into a car. Data shown is for the performance of film applied to glass.

Suggested applications
  • Cars, vans and trucks
  • icono de sol
    Bloquea los rayos UV
  • icono de señal
    Sin interferencias en las señales
  • icono de gafas de sol
    Reduce el deslumbramiento
  • icono de candado
    Privacidad y seguridad


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