3M™ Scott™ Ska-Pak AT Supplied-Air Respirator

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Combination Type C positive pressure respirator with escape cylinder for entry into and escape from hazardous, confined space, or immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) situations

Automatic, hands-free transfer from external air source to cylinder in the event of primary air source interruption

Personal, tactile and audible Vibralert alarm to alert users of transfer to cylinder air

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  • Combination Type C positive pressure respirator with escape cylinder for entry into and escape from hazardous, confined space, or immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) situations
  • Automatic, hands-free transfer from external air source to cylinder in the event of primary air source interruption
  • Personal, tactile and audible Vibralert alarm to alert users of transfer to cylinder air
  • Available with either a padded Kevlar® harness, a padded nylon harness or integrated full-body harness for fall protection
  • Available in 2216, 3000 and 4500 psi and 3, 5, 10 or 15 minute egress cylinder with “onboard” cylinder low-pressure indicator for added safety and awareness
  • The E-Z Flo Regulator with Vibralert is designed for easy use with gloved hands, enables easy breathing, and has a two-step secure attachment and removal to help ensure worker confidence
  • NIOSH-approved for use with 3M Scott AV series facepieces that can also be used for APR, PAPR, supplied air, and SCBA applications
  • Padded Nylon that is designed to be comfortable and lightweight
  • Padded fire-resistant Kevlar® for high heat environments or when there is potential for sparking
  • Integrated full-body harness combines 3M’s Fall Protection technology with the 3M™ Scott™ Ska-Pak Supplied-Air Respirator. This integrated solution is a NIOSH-approved respirator and suitable for confined spaces and working at height applications, providing workers with fall and respiratory protection in hazardous conditions

The 3M™ Scott™ Ska-Pak AT Supplied-Air Respirator is a supplied-air respirator with escape cylinder that has the added safety benefit of an automatic, hands-free air transfer capability to help reduce worker distress if primary air is interrupted.

The 3M™ Scott™ Ska-Pak AT Supplied-Air Respirator is 3M's most advanced supplied-air respirator with the added benefit of a patented, automatic, hands-free air transfer capability to help reduce worker distress. If the user's continuous primary air supply is interrupted, the air source is instantly switched to the portable air cylinder automatically. Upon transfer, the Vibralert tactile alarm end-of-service-time indicator (EOSTI) alarm activates, letting the user know that the respirator has transferred to cylinder air and it is time to leave the potentially hazardous environment. The Ska-Pak AT is available with either a padded fire resistant Kevlar®, a padded nylon harness or an integrated full-body harness for fall protection. Ideal for confined space and hazmat applications.

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