3M™ Scott™ Ska-Pak Supplied-Air Respirator

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Combination Type C positive pressure respirator with escape cylinder for entry into or escape from hazardous, confined space, or immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) situations

Fire resistant Kevlar or polypropylene harness

The E-Z Flo regulator is designed for gloved hands, enables easy breathing, and has a two-step secure attachment to help ensure worker confidence

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  • Combination Type C positive pressure respirator with escape cylinder for entry into or escape from hazardous, confined space, or immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) situations
  • Fire resistant Kevlar or polypropylene harness
  • The E-Z Flo regulator is designed for gloved hands, enables easy breathing, and has a two-step secure attachment to help ensure worker confidence

The 3M™ Scott™ Ska-Pak Supplied Air Respirator supplied air respirator is combination escape SCBA and airline respirator offering emergency respiratory protection for a variety of industrial applications.

The 3M™ Scott™ Ska-Pak Supplied Air Respirator is designed for easy use and versatility for entry into or escape from hazardous or IDLH, environments. It is available with a lightweight, chemical resistant polypropylene harness or a fire Kevlar® harness. The Ska-Pak is available with 5 or 15 minute rated cylinder egress duration.

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